《內心之道》—法界佛教總會師長們的法語 The Path Within – Talks by Teachers of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association

Compiled and translated by Celina Li and Zhong Wen Shi
整理/翻譯:李悅希、鍾文詩   VBS 655

This anthology of talks by senior teachers in the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association presents the Buddhist teachings practically. These senior teachers, Reverend Heng Sure, Bhikshu Heng Lai, Bhikshu Heng Lyu, Bhikshuni Heng Chih, Martin Verhoeven, and Doug Powers, all are Venerable Master Hsuan Hua’s disciples. Their talks cover topics such as the four noble truths and meditation, devotional practices such as recitation and bowing, and even spending the holidays with family.

This book is published in 2024 by the Buddhist Text Translation Society and accessible for beginners and also informative for long-term practitioners. As the editor’s note in the introduction, “As young Dharma practitioners, the chance to learn from long-term practitioners is valuable in and of itself.”

Developing Virtue Girls School students interviewed four of these teachers at the Buddha Hall of City of Ten Thousand Buddhas from 8:20pm to 9pm on November 12 and 22, 2024. Some of their questions and answers in the interview are as follows:

Question for Dharma Master Heng Lai:
“‘You have to endure to breakthrough.’ According to that idea, you have to do what actually feels unnatural, to endure what is difficult, to overcome what is difficult.” How do we know whether this difficulty is an obstacle we should overcome and how do we know whether we have gone to the extreme? 
問恒來法師: 「『必須忍耐才能突破。』根據這個觀點,必須去做實際上感覺不自然的事,忍受困難,克服困難。我們如何知道這種困難是我們應該克服的障礙,還是我們過於勉強自己,走到了極端?」

Answer: The idea is do what feels unnatural, after a while of consistency, it becomes natural. For example, you might feel uncomfortable and endure some pain when you just started meditating, and can’t even hold on to half lotus. But if you keep practicing, you will eventually feel natural to do full lotus every time. And one day you will enter samadhi, you wouldn’t think it’s uncomfortable anymore. This means if you can have some patience (very important) and endure the pain, especially in the beginning, you will get used to it and don’t see lots of things as difficult as before. 
回答: 這個理念是做那些感覺不自然的事情,經過一段時間的持續努力,這些事情會變得自然。例如,剛開始打坐時,你可能會感到不舒服,忍受一些疼痛,甚至連半跏趺坐都做不到。但如果你繼續練習,最終你會感覺每次做全跏趺坐都很自然。總有一天你會入定,這時你就不會覺得不舒服了。這意味著,如果你能夠有些耐心(這非常重要)並忍受疼痛,尤其是在開始的時候,你會逐漸習慣,不會再覺得很多事情像之前那麼困難。

Question for Dharma Master Heng Chih:
Is there any case that you were distracted when you were contemplating “who am I”? How did you overcome your distraction? What are some practices that we can apply in real life to stay motivated and achieve our goals?

Answer: When you realize you are having any distractions, try your best to bring yourself back again and again. Try to think of the question of “who” brings you back. You can choose any practice you like the most among all the practices you do, and keep on practicing it to advance it. During the process, be mindful and pay attention to what might distract you, also notice if you are finding any excuse for yourself that stops you from continuing practicing it. Because all of these thoughts are from your own mind, and you have the responsibility to try your best to stop your own obstacles for cultivation. 
回答: 當你意識到自己分心時,盡你所能,一次又一次地把自己帶回來。試著思考這個問題:「是誰」把你帶回來的?你可以在所有的修行法門中,選擇你最喜歡的一個,並且不斷練習來提升它。在這個過程中,要保持正念,並注意可能會讓你分心的事情,還要留意是否自己在找任何藉口停止修行。因為所有這些念頭,都來自你自己的心,你有責任盡最大的努力,去克服在修行中遇到的種種障礙。

Question for Martin Verhoven:
To what extent do you subtract when you are trying to focus on something? What do you subtract when you are trying to focus on something? What do you say to not think of anything at all?

Answer: It’s not possible not to think of anything at all. The thing about not thinking of anything at all means you don’t attach to any of those thoughts. So, when you are meditating, you are watching the thoughts come, and you are observing them as they ebb, and you observe them as they go away. And that’s a subtracting process. Master Hua said it was like sometimes you watch snowflakes falling on a fire. You observe them, and as they hit the flames, they just evaporate and go on. All the things that you think about, all the phenomena, all conditioned dharmas, are like snowflakes. You just watch them come and go. And in doing that, you actually see how your mind is free not to become attached and moved by anything.

Question for Professor Powers:
How to deal with the arising of karma? How can we start identifying when we are reacting to karma, and how can we work with it?

Answer: Karma is always arising. The problem is you cannot smash the karma arising because you already planted the seeds of it, so it’s already arising. If you try to smash the karma itself, it’s like forever trying to put a finger in a dam in a huge flow of water. You’ll never be able to stop because what you’re trying to stop is the constant flow of every seed you planted in the past is now arising as emotion and thought and so forth. What you have to do is to pay attention to all kinds of thoughts and not to add all kinds of complex thoughts. One day, if you don’t add all kinds of thoughts, you will find that you are not affected by karma and all your thoughts.

This book is currently only available in English. A free eBook of The Path Within can be obtained from the Buddhist Text Translation Society’s website:




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