師父的故事 (續)My Story with Shifu (continued)

A Talk Given by Professor Douglas Powers to Dharma Realm Buddhist University’s Venerable Master Legacy Club on November 13, 2019/ Chinese Translated by Wu Lianlian and Janet Lee   包果勒教授 2019年11月13日講於法界佛教大學「宣公上人志業傳承社」/  吳蓮蓮、 李采眞 中譯       VBS 610

Editor’s Note: Douglas Powers has been a disciple of the Venerable Master since 1973, is a senior professor teaching undergraduate, graduate, and extension courses. He also serves as the Vice President of Finance and Administration at Dharam Realm Buddhist University. He has been actively involved in many aspects of DRBA over the past four decades, including helping form the Refugee and Resettlement Program at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) in the late seventies through the eighties. He also serves as an administrator at IGDVS.編按:包果勒居士自1973年皈依宣公上人座下,目前是法界佛教大學本科班、碩士班及延展課程的資深教授。同時他也擔任法大財務及行政副校長。在過去的四十多年中,他積極參與了法界佛教總會的多個項目;包括在上世紀七十年代末到八十年代萬佛城的難民營計劃。他也在育良培德中小學擔任行政主管。

Shifu had other things going on that had massive amounts of effects that we can’t see. But all that is going on in another realm; you probably have 100 of realms going on simultaneously in which we’re just one. We could only work as humans in the form we’re working in. We worked on many programs that started happening. Because we had this place, Shifu suggested we start a refugee program.

Shifu said: “Just do it!” So we went back to Washington and started talking to the State Department and it turned out that they needed a Buddhist organization. Resettlement is done through private agencies run by Protestants, Jewish and Catholics, since they have contracts with the State Department to take a certain quota of the refugee.

The refugee are then sponsored by those agencies and then you have contracts with state department to resettle those people and you are given a certain amount of money for the refugee and all that kind of stuff.

Right at that time it just had so happened that there were all these Buddhists coming from Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, and they had no Buddhist representation as an agency. It’s not a simple thing. To do this, one has to fill out many contracts with State Department, and attend meetings in New York and one every other week in Washington DC. Anyway, they accepted us as a resettlement agency, but there was one problem, we were supposed to be at a meeting by contract. Shifu said,”Just go do it.”

I flew to New York for one day and flew back every week for three years. I just flew to New York stayed for one meeting and flew back. I didn’t want to get an office in New York; it would cost too much. Shifu was also trying to get me to buy apartment houses in New York. I should’ve bought some, but there were a lot of stuff I didn’t do, because of a lack of imagination, and as a 27 or 28 year-old-person, I didn’t know what was going on. So I ran around looking at apartment buildings. In Manhattan they had 120 apartments for a couple million dollars or something and I didn’t buy them; they’re probably inestimable at this time. Everywhere I went he just said, “Buy stuff.” I guess I wasn’t really trusting then.

Again, my relation with Shifu was that we talked on the phone and just in English. But don’t tell anyone exactly this, because he’s supposed to pretend he didn’t know English, so everybody would learn Chinese.

Question: I was wondering why Master Hua wanted to purchase property. As a Buddhist monk, frugality, a mendicant, a renunciate. Why does a Buddhist monk buy all these properties and teach you to buy property?

Professor Douglas Powers : He wasn’t limited to any form. He honestly thought we should combine everything in the world. Now I see that every place we went, we’d buy something, fill it with people and move on. He wanted places in the whole world; he needed New York, London, Paris. The first university chancellor was from Europe, then the chancellor of Africa, chancellor of South America, and so on. The University was a worldwide university that brought knowledge to the entire world, and within the construct of total world, in every way the world could understand and get on it.

Money was an important element and he treated it carefully up here with everybody, but dealing with him with money was a total trip, because he only saw it as a means to something. He was never attached; you couldn’t get him to be anyway because he wasn’t attached to anything.

He saw every single person in their Buddha nature. So through the conditions, every living being is living in their karmic conditions, but they all contain the Buddha nature. And he only saw the Buddha nature in each living being, and then the conditions that was the shadow over it.

Money is an element, but it’s not a primary element of the conditions. If you look at the totality of conditions and where the consciousness is going, wealth isn’t actually a very good determiner of where consciousness is going. Gender is one element; nationality is another element. There are many different elements in the conditions.

He was actually seeing the karmic conditions where you are creating a theory. We apply a theory in every case about what we think is going on. He wasn’t working with a theory: he was working with the actual karmic conditions of each sentient being that he was seeing. There is no theory. Every person has a different story; every sentient being has a very complex construct of karmic conditions that’s covering over that nature, and each one has their own specific issue.

The difference between wisdom and all of us is seeing each of the conditions for what they are within themselves and not through theories we have to apply to them. Because theory just covers what’s going on. We apply theory. We don’t see directly. Therefore, the theory covers over what is really going on. Wisdom is seeing directly. And each karmic vision will look different. If I were to see each of you with that kind of wisdom, I would not be seeing any theory or any gender; I would just be in the totality of the conditions. And he could see through that to the nature. He was only relating to nature. That’s why his sadness is there all the time: “You guys, I don’t get it. I’m seeing the Buddha nature, and you’re completely confused in your desires.”
智者與我們所有人之間的區別在於,能夠看到自身所處的各種因緣狀態,無需透過任何思考模式。意識形態的思考模式只看到當下所發生的事。用這種思維,我們就無法洞察一切。意識型態的思維只能看到眼前的狀況;智慧則能夠照了。業緣使然,人人所見不盡相同。如果我能以師父那樣的智慧去看每個人,就不會著眼在那些思考模式和性別,而能全然處於所有的緣法狀態之中。師父可以透過這些看到眾生的自性。師父只著重在和自性有關的一切。這就是為什麼他總是非常痛心:「我真不明白你們這些人。我看到了佛性,你們卻被欲望所迷。 」

He was doing that on many, many levels. When you looked at him, he’s always reciting a mantra. His lips were always moving. When he was doing a lecture, his lips were always moving in a mantra; he was always reciting. He was operating on a multitude of different levels simultaneously. He operated on all of the levels of the conditionals and simultaneously interacting on all these different levels. When you came up and talked to him, it was as if there was this dot in his consciousness that he looked at you with. You could see him looking into a dot, “Oh, oh yeah, oh what’s up?” A little dot in the total conditions. In paying attention to that little dot, which is amongst millions and trillion of other things that showed up in the moment, you felt he was paying full attention; but it wasn’t that within this realm of consciousness that you were actually really there in any kind of real sense. The only thing I feel bad is, he would say, he felt sad about how stupid we were. “You guys are so stupid,” that’s all I got from him. No matter what we did, he was so sad. “You do all this stuff, you create all these conditions—why are you so attached to all this stupid stuff?” You could feel this kind of sadness and sorrow for just the level of stupidity that we continue to engage in, for no matter how much he tried to teach us, we were just super attached to our situations.

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