A Talk Given by Professor Douglas Powers to Dharma Realm Buddhist University’s Venerable Master Legacy Club on November 13, 2019/ Chinese Translated by Wu Lianlian and Janet Lee
包果勒教授 2019年11月13日講於法界佛教大學「宣公上人志業傳承社」/ 吳蓮蓮、 李采眞 中譯 VBS 609
Editor’s Note: Douglas Powers has been a disciple of the Venerable Master since 1973, is a senior professor teaching undergraduate, graduate, and extension courses. He also serves as the Vice President of Finance and Administration at Dharam Realm Buddhist University. He has been actively involved in many aspects of DRBA over the past four decades, including helping form the Refugee and Resettlement Program at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) in the late seventies through the eighties. He also serves as an administrator at IGDVS.編按:包果勒居士自1973年皈依宣公上人座下,目前是法界佛教大學本科班、碩士班及延展課程的資深教授。同時他也擔任法大財務及行政副校長。在過去的四十多年中,他積極參與了法界佛教總會的多個項目;包括在上世紀七十年代末到八十年代萬佛城的難民營計劃。他也在育良培德中小學擔任行政主管。
I have to be a bit personal, because everybody’s story of Master Hua is different. He treated everyone completely differently, so when every single person who was with Master Hua tells you about his or her own experience, which will be different. He treated everyone according to the conditions of that person.
I had no interest in Buddhism. I was living in Berkeley in the sixties and seventies and trying out every possible kind of existence, from Hell’s Angels to Black Panthers to the London “rock scene.” I searched out and tried every kind of lifestyle that was available in the sixties and seventies. I don’t know if it was my good luck or bad luck, but I had the opportunity to spend time with a lot of different people.
While I was living a Hippie life, I finished my undergraduate, my master’s, and my teaching credentials in five years, and teaching at Berkeley High in 1969 at twenty-two years old. When I first ran into Master Hua, I had done quite a bit of traveling. I had roamed the world, hung out in the clubs, and had been a quite successful hippie. A lot of hippies were not that happy, but I was completely content being a hippie.
During the summer when I lived solo in the wilderness mountains for forty days, I questioned, “What was the psychological dynamic of that?” And while I was there, I realized that my mind didn’t have good control over itself. Someone told to me about Buddhism, so I found out about Gold Mountain Monastery.
I visited the monastery, but then I left to return to my happy hippie days. About a week later, I got a call from the abbot in San Francisco. The speaker said, “I’ve got someone on the phone for you.” And then Master Hua says, “Come back. Come back.” I said, “Come back where? I’m perfectly happy where —” “Come back.” The person who called me said, “Master Hua wants you to come back. We told him you were the only one who was here in the summertime and he wants you to come back.” Eventually, with a lot of misgivings, I decided to go back to Gold Mountain for a Chan session about three or four weeks later. I had to give up my summer vacation on the beach. I really suffered about giving up my vacation, for I saw no good reason to go to Gold Mountain.
I went back over there. I couldn’t cross my legs at all. About every six or eight hours in the sitting session, I was ready to leave. I was sitting there trying really hard to meditate, and I’d say, “Okay, that’s it!” and got up to leave. But Shifu was standing right there.
He said, “Get to going? You going?” I said, “Yeah, yeah.” He said, “No, no, no,” and he reached in and handed me candies. “It’s okay, it’s okay, no problem. Here. Don’t be so afraid, it’s okay.” I said, “…Okay.”
As time went on, I spent more time over there. Shifu was lecturing maybe the Avatamsaka Sutra maybe two or three times a day, then went onto other sutras on Guanyin Bodhisattva and more. That was interesting. I brought Master Hua up to see the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas before we bought it. I started becoming the go-between, between the secular world and (at first) Gold Mountain Monastery. There wasn’t a lot of complexity at first. After we bought CTTB, and the new Gold Mountain Monastery in Chinatown, we started getting all of these different properties. Then all of a sudden, there were these complicated aspects of working with the government, working with lawyers, and working with real estate people.
Mainly I worked with Shifu in spite of everyone thinking that [all I was doing was making sure he was] giving dharma lectures. In addition to his dharma talks, I mainly was working things he taught in terms of the way he interacted (and wanted us to interact) with the world. He was totally engaged in everything about the world.
He wanted us, these little puny nothings, to do everything in the world that was possible about everything in the world. These was a gap of trillions of miles between what Shifu could see as to our possibilities and what we could imagine for ourselves. He seriously expected these punk kids to actually do everything about everything that there was to do within the conditional. Yes, we’re in the conditional, and you can only operate within the conditional. But insofar as that we are in the conditional, you should do everything you can to move the conditional in a certain direction.
That’s politics, economics, land, relationships, traveling, government. He wanted to invite every leader of the world to become “Honorary chancellors” for the university (DRBU.) “Send an invitation! We want everybody in the world! Just send it to everybody—all the presidents, kings, queens, dictators….” If you remember our early board members, there was President Sadat of Egypt and other prominent people. He put these people on our board. Early DRBU had all these world leaders as our honorary chancellors.
We had all the famous politicians in San Francisco in Gold Mountain Monastery. Harvey Milk and Diane Feinstein came quite a few times. He said, “Go out and talk to all politicians. Be involved in everything there is in every realm of life. Politics, education, economics—there isn’t a single realm to not be involved in.”
In old Gold Mountain, we sat in meditation for an hour or two in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon with everyone. The schedule was to get up and sit for a couple of hours and start the day at 8:15am or something like that. That sitting was just your own time. Sitting Chan is what you do instead of sleeping; that’s when you’re resting. The rest of the time you have to be transforming the world in every possible way in every possible possibility. Yes, it’s true, you can’t move the world beyond its conditions. You can’t move a person beyond their conditions.
But Shifu saw the totality of the conditions. What’s interesting about being with someone who could see all the totality of conditions is that you can still only operate within where the conditions can go no matter whether you could see it all or not. Seeing the totality of all conditions doesn’t allow you to move any faster than the conditions. You have to be seeing the conditional – you have to be more patient. I don’t know if you can even use word patience to describe this, but he would talk about being very patient. The more you know, the more you see, and the more patient you have to be.
Basically, just do everything you can possibly do, and just do it. Instead of sitting in a monastery meditating, we were constantly in activity like all the time in some huge project.
When we first moved up to CTTB, a couple people were living in the fire house, and then we started working on Tathagata Monastery. You can imagine how crazy the place had been with 2000 patients. TM was the highest level of prison; its walls are atomic bomb proof!
What we experienced in those days is not what people are experiencing here now. Then, it was the “Wildest West” that you’ve ever seen anything like it. Every day you had no idea what was going to happen. You could wake up in the morning and be in Bangkok the next day. Shifu just opened up the world, and what happens is that your little world just gets blown up into space. This idea that you live in space, it isn’t a theoretical construct that he’s telling you, but that you’re actually living in space.
We bought this big property (CTTB.) It had its own waste treatment plant nearby. Heng Kuan who also came up signed some documents and bought the place. One of the problems is that he bought the CTTB property without knowing there was only a twenty-year lease on the waste treatment plant. There were a lot of mistakes he did that Shifu got pretty upset about, particularly the real estate deals.
Anyway, we moved up here and Shifu told us that we’ll have everybody in the world here, that we’re going to have a conference here for one hundred of the world leaders. We told the master, “No, Shifu, this place isn’t quite ready. TM probably has a hundred thousand ghosts in there. We’re trying to recite for a couple ghosts here – we aren’t ready.” The place had 2000 mental patients and a hundred thousand ghosts wandering in TM (at the time). You can imagine how it was—two guys walking in the dark at night when no one else was around; it was actually really fun and exciting.
The conversation we had with Shifu was actually about the edge. The idea that we have a freedom; Shifu was basically trying to get across to us that we are going to get tied up in stuff and not have the freedom we really want with our current mind and what we considered freedom. “I have nothing against you guys, but in fact,” he said, “Well, most things I can’t say. You Westerners have a lot of potential freedom but you keep getting caught up in the same limitation of mind. The problem of course is you don’t learn to use that mind; you will get tied up with conditions and lose that freedom.” How do you go to the edge of your perception of freedom and engage in everything with this incredible wild freedom, and then maintain and not lose it from actions you take from it, and not get tied up in karmic conditions.
He was trying to give us a sense of a balance between activity and our freedom to have Chan. Chan was about developing the stillness of the mind that becomes more and more free, that it could do more activity more intensely and be more involved in the conditional. The only thing keeping you from the totality of the conditional is the limitation of your perspective. The limitation of your own perspective is the self that actually contains your energy and not expand it. That use of yourself, in some kind of way, is so small and uninteresting. “You guys are so sad, I don’t get it. You have all this energy for freedom, yet your imagination is so small; you can only see this little world of your own existence. There’s nothing interesting about this.”
The thing he was trying to constantly get across to us is that you need to be totally engaged in every minute. If you waste one moment of your awareness, and not be engaged, you’re wasting your time. You need to be fully engaged at the conditions of your time. The conditions of your time are very particular in each day and each year of the time you live in. You need to push the edges of that as far as you can within your condition. As Shifu developed the things he wanted to do, and were available at the moment for what he thought was the way we could push through them. But as the people who we were, we were extremely limited. ♦ To be continued ♦
師父試著想讓我們明白,你必須無時無刻都全神貫注。如果你浪費意識中的一個片刻,沒有投入,那就是你在浪費你的時間。你需要掌握時機,全力以赴。時機在每一天和每一年都是稍縱即逝的,你得盡其所能地去成就它。當師父有想法要落實的時候,即使在我們人力資源有限的情況下,他還是認為我們可以完成。但以當時而言,我們其實仍是極為有限的。♦ 待續 ♦