聚焦《楞嚴經》之五十陰魔 The Shurangama Sutra’s “Fifty Skandha States”

A Dharma Talk Given by Dharma Master Heng Chih in the Online Sunday Evening Lecture Series on January 9, 2022 / Chinese Translated by Bhikshuni Jin Jing                      比丘尼恒持法師講於 2022年1月9日週日線上講座系列/  比丘尼近經 中譯      VBS 620

The Shurangama summer session, 1968.

This talk is based on verses that I wrote in 1995. At that time, nuns at the Buddhist Text Translation Society’s headquarters (also known as HQ) were compiling three volumes in memory of Master Hua, who had passed in June of 1995. Many of the Master’s disciples were asked to contribute to the project, so I wrote these verses. I wrote them in English and one of the nuns was kind enough to translate them into Chinese. My verse begins:

By the end of summer through study and practice
The magnificent goal: the Shurangama Samadhi
Loomed strong and ultimately firm within our reach.
It stands as a concentration beyond both entry and exit
Devoid of lust; defying death.

The Shurangama Summer Session was in 1968, and the Master managed to finish explaining the whole sutra in just under four months. Among other things, we learned about the Shurangama Samadhi.

The Shurangama’s focal point is a samadhi of our own nature, which when we perfect it, will neither enter nor leave us; we just sustain it. In the Nirvana Sutra the Buddha described samadhi as “ultimately firm in all circumstances.”

The Master lectured the Shurangama Sutra in 1968 at the Buddhist Lecture Hall in San Francisco. Later, at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), I remember the Master set up a Saturday night panel discussion that focused on the Fifty Skandha States. The former bhikshuni, Heng Tao and I would prepare a little bit about the passages each Saturday, and then people from CTTB who were prepared would come up on stage, and we would carry on a panel discussion about the passages. During those discussions, the Master would often add his comments. Later, when I was away serving at one of our monasteries in Canada, the Master again led a discussion of the Shurangama Sutra in Wonderful Words Hall. In the bilingual volume Shurangama Sutra, “Fifty Skandha States,” a lot of the commentary that he gave during those sessions is recorded. This text is wonderful and rich with useful information.

Today we’re looking at the “Fifty Skandha States.” The focus is on the prelude and the conclusion of the description of each of the five skandhas. We will not go into detail about the specific ten examples for each skandha; we will simply list the ten.

This is a Master’s introduction: What are skandha demons? Basically, nothing at all. They’re just a mass of yin energy. Where does that yin energy come from? Its origin is the yin thoughts that a cultivator may have. When that yin energy rises up, we need to remain calm and composed. If we can be as if nothing is happening, so that we look but do not see, listen but not hear; if we don’t entertain forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches or mental constructs, then the skandha demons will have no way to get at us.

The Form Skandha

Ananda, you should know that as a cultivator sits in the Bodhimanda, he is doing away with all thoughts. When his thoughts come to an end, there will be nothing on his mind. This state of clarity will stay the same whether in movement or stillness, in remembrance or forgetfulness.

Master Hua said, “This state is the state of clarity”, which encompasses both wisdom and Samadhi; “remembrance or forgetfulness” refers to being mindful or to being absent-minded. The principle of both states of mind are the same: non-dual.

When he dwells in this place and enters samadhi, he is like a person with clear vision who finds himself in total darkness. Although his nature is wonderfully pure; his mind is not yet fully illumined. This is the region of the form skandha.

The Master says that our nature is wonderfully pure. Here, he refers to the magnificent clarity that the cultivator is experiencing; however, his mind is not yet fully illumined, so he does not yet completely possess the light of genuine wisdom.

I think everybody listening probably realizes that we human beings are composed of five skandhas according to Buddhism. The first skandha is form, so we’re like a heap or pile. We are a conglomerate of these five, the first being form. In the final part of the sutra, Buddha talked about the breakdown of the skandhas that can occur as we go deeply into meditation. As those breakthroughs occur, we experience we have is like opening a curtain. It shows us what’s on the other side of this box we are in made of form, feeling, thinking, mental formations, and consciousness.

This is the introduction to the form skandha. In the sutra, there will be a discussion and a description of ten possible states that happen during the breakdown of the form skandha. Those are described in an order that the Buddha did to help us as meditators. If a state like that comes up, then we can recognize it; that’s part of the practice of breaking through skandhas. The following text describes what the cultivator experiences at the end of form skanda.

If his eyes become clearer, he will then experience the ten directions as an open expanse and the darkness will be gone. This is the end of the form skanda will then be able to transcend the turbidity of kalpas or time. Contemplating the cause of the form skandha one sees that hardcore false thoughts are its source.

The Master said, “Contemplating the cause of the form skandha” is when we observe the source of that cultivator’s behavior and movement, we can see that “hardcore false thoughts are its source.”

“In contemplating the cause of the form skandha, we observe the source and see that hardcore false thinking is its source.” This is one of the most important passages to me, and it is largely repetitive; only certain specifics are changed. So, here, “hardcore” is the specific kind of false thoughts which are the source that causes the form skandha to seem so real to us.

(Dharma Master Chih responds to a few questions from lecture participants throughout the evening.)
Participant: Someone is wondering whether the fundamental source of the form skandha can be found in our hardcore false thoughts?

Dharma Master Chih: The Master doesn’t limit it to that. He says that this just describes what it is like when the cultivator reaches that state. It doesn’t take into account the reasons or the lack thereof that got him there. It’s impossible to trace the source of this state because everything about it is false. And he quotes two lines,
The cloud of five skandhas comes and goes in vain,
The foam of the three poisons bubbles up and disappears in the void.

We now have examined the introduction and conclusion to the form skandha, and the formula is that form and emptiness define the boundaries of the form skandha. Here we list the ten examples that Shakyamuni Buddha gave to help us cultivators realize what kind of things might happen in the breakdown of the five skandhas. The form skandha is composed of the five sense faculties, the six sense organs, and hardcore false thinking is its cause. When we break through it, we break through the turbidity of time, which is really significant since we are at the moment timebound beings.

Now these are just titles extracted from the content of each of the examples. The actual discussion that Shakyamuni Buddha gives is longer than just these cryptic titles.

1. Body transcends obstacles.
2. Inner light shines, see internal worms.
3. Reproductive energy and physical souls alternately separate and unite.
4. State changes and Buddhas appear.
5. Space takes on color of gems.
6. Can see in the dark.
7. Body becomes like grass or wood.
8. Can see everywhere without obstruction.
9. Sees and hears distant things.
10. False visions and false words.

Ananda, when the good person who is cultivating samadhi has put an end to the form skandha, he can see the mind of all Buddhas as if seeing an image reflected in a clear mirror.

The point here is not direct yet; it isn’t the case that the conscious mind and the Buddha’s mind are the same. There’s still a distance, there’s an arm’s length, which is like a reflection in a mirror. In this state, the cultivator is getting closer, and he’s able to know more about the mind of Buddha, but his mind is not yet the mind of Buddhas.

Master Hua said that “the good person” refers to those who have skill in returning the hearing to hear their own nature. The “cultivating samadhi” that he refers to means practicing to perfect awakening by means of the ear organ. To “see the mind of all Buddhas” is to perceive the Dharma door of all Buddhas’ mind seal.

The mind seal is a mind-to-mind transmission, without language, without falling into using a vocal, spoken transmission using language. The cultivator is coming closer to being able to receive the mind seal of all Buddhas, so he can now perceive that mind as if it was an image in a mirror.

Feeling Skandha 受陰

He seems to have obtained something, but he cannot use it. In this he resembles a paralyzed person. His hands and feet are intact, his seeing and hearing are not distorted, and yet his mind has come under a deviant influence, so that he is unable to move. This is the region of the feeling skandha.

Master Hua said, “He seems to have obtained something…but his mind has come under a deviant influence,” which refers to the internal situation that occurs in the region of the feeling skandha.This is an introduction to the feeling skandha. We are skipping the ten examples and are reading the conclusion to the feelings skandha.

Once the problem of paralysis subsides, his mind can then leave his body and look back upon his face. It can go or stay as it pleases without further hindrance. This is the end of the feeling skandha. This person can then transcend the turbidity of views. Contemplating the cause of the feeling skandha, one sees that false thoughts with only the illusion of clarity are its source.

“False thoughts with only the illusion of clarity are its source.” But now, the feeling skandha has been broken through, so its source no longer exists. The Master describes this as, “The way a bird escapes from a cage.” Before we have put an end to the feeling skandha, we people cannot leave our bodies; we are like a bird in a cage.

Here, the Master talks very cryptically in Chinese. He’s slowly listing for us the essential changes that happen as skandhas are broken down. He’s telling us that while we’re in the form and feeling skandhas, we can’t leave our bodies. The source, false thoughts, seemed to be clear, but they really aren’t the source, so when the cultivator breaks through each skandha, their sources no longer exist.

The two elements for the feeling skandha are contact and separation. Here are the cryptic titles for the ten examples of the feeling skandhas

1.  Suppresses self and gets sad.
2. Praises self as being equal to Buddhas.
3. Samadhi out of balance brings excessive reverie.
4. Wisdom out of balance brings excessive arrogance.
5. Passing through danger leads to anxiety.
6. Experiencing ease leads to joy.
7. Seeing the sublime and becoming proud.
8. With wisdom comes lightness and ease, which leads to complacency.
9. Becoming attached to emptiness and slandering precepts.
10. Becoming attached to existence and indulging in lust.
1. 抑己悲生;
2. 揚己齊佛;
3. 定偏多憶;
4. 慧偏多狂;
5. 歷險生憂;
6. 覺安生喜;
7. 見勝成慢;
8. 慧安自足;
9. 著空毀戒;
10. 著有恣淫。

During the breakdown of the feeling skandha, we may experience sadness, arrogance, joy, and pride. When you read the full text of these ten, you’ll find out that these feelings become excessive, that the Buddha has presented examples where, for example, sadness is to a fault—it’s overwhelming. And so we are harmed by it, because any extreme is going to be harmful to us— perhaps physically or perhaps mentally. It is this excessive feeling that, in many cases, this is the opening a practitioner gives, which allows demons connected with the Feeling Skandha to possess him. The lesson in this one is to try to maintain the Middle Way; to try to stay away from excess.

Ananda, when the good person who is cultivating samadhi has put an end to the feeling skandha, although he has not achieved freedom from outflows, his mind can leave his body the way a bird escapes from a cage. From within his ordinary body, he already has the potential for ascending through the bodhisattvas’ sixty levels of sagehood. He attains the ‘body produced by intent’ and can roam freely without obstruction.

So now we’ll look at the sixty levels of sagehood.
Master Hua referred to “ascending through the Bodhisattvas’ sixty levels of sagehood.” What are the sixty levels? They are the fifty-five listed in this sutra, plus the three gradual stages, which are counted as three, plus the stage of dry wisdom, which is counted as one, thus making four levels. And to those we add the Wonderful Enlightenment, which makes sixty levels in all. When he refers to “attains the ‘body produced by intent’” means that he can only activate his spiritual power by creating the intent to do so.

Fifty-five stages are listed in the Shurangama Sutra. It’s one of the only places where the Ten Faith are listed with some explanation. In the Avatamsaka, the Ten Faiths are encompassed in the first abode. If you want to know a little bit about the Ten Faiths, it’s good to go to the Shurangama. The fifty-five stages, three gradual stages, and an explanation of the stage of dry wisdom are in the Shurangama Sutra. “To attain the body produced by intent”—this also appears in the Earth Store Sutra. When Bright Eyes asks the arhat to find her mother, he makes the intent, and then he’s able to look for the mother. That’s an example of what this means. The arhat needed to think about it, he needed to concentrate on it to put his focus and intent on it in order for him to use his power to find Bright Eyes’ mother. This is an important point. At this time, at the end of breaking through the feelings skandhas, a cultivator will be able to activate his spiritual powers with intent.

Thinking Skandha 想陰

This is like someone talking in his sleep. Although he does not know he is doing it, his words are clear, and his voice and inflection are all in order, so those who are awake can understand what he is saying. This is the region of the thinking skandha.

That’s quite a description, well worth reflecting on that. In the region of the thinking skandha, we would be so unaware of ourselves that we wouldn’t even really know that we were using our voice, that we were talking coherently, and that other people could understand us. That is an almost alarming description in this introduction to the thinking skandha.

If he puts an end to his stirring thoughts and rids himself of superfluous thinking, it is as if he has purged defilement from the enlightened, understanding mind. Then he is perfectly clear about the births and deaths of all categories of beings from beginning to end. This is the end of the thinking skandha. He can then transcend the turbidity of afflictions. Contemplating the cause of the thinking skandha, one sees that interconnected false thoughts are its source.

Let’s skip the ten examples given for the thinking skandhas break down and go to the conclusion, which tells us that the cultivator is perfectly clear about the births and deaths of categories of beings. The next skandha, which is the more subtle aspect of our mind, our mental formations, relates to the seventh consciousness. The mind in that very deep part of us is looking at the categories of beings in all different kinds of ways and making theories about that. The spark for that comes here, at the end of the thinking skandha, and he now can look at the births and deaths of categories of beings. He’s going to start doing that in detail.

Master Hua then says, “if he puts an end to his stirring thoughts”—this refers to the subtle thoughts in the sixth mind-consciousness. Now, those subtle thoughts are gone, so he “rids himself of superfluous thinking.” “He has purged defilement from the enlightened, understanding mind.” The enlightened, understanding mind refers to the eighth consciousness.

As you can see, according to the Yogachara system, he has cleaned up the sixth mind consciousness. As we move into the next skandha, to the formation skandha, it’s basically at the level of the seventh consciousness. The cultivator is aiming toward transforming the eighth consciousness into wisdom, but he still has to pass through formations. Up to this point, the end of the third skandha, he’s done a lot of work on the sixth mind consciousness.

Master Hua then mentions “the births and deaths of all categories of beings” which refers to the twelve categories of beings:
1. wombs;
2. eggs;
3. moisture;
4. metamorphosis;
5. beings who may or may not make their bodies visible;
6. beings who have no physical form;
7. beings who are capable of cognition but lack a physical body;
8. beings whose cognitive function is inactive;
9. beings whose physical forms are not self-sufficient;
10. beings who sometimes lack and sometimes do not lack a physical form;
11. beings whose understanding has a deficiency;
12. beings who sometimes lack and sometimes do not lack a cognitive capacity.
1. 胎;
2. 卵;
3. 濕;
4. 化;
5. 有色;
6. 無色;
7. 有想;
8. 無想;
9. 非有色;
10. 非無色;
11. 非有想;
12. 非無想。

In this world, according to Buddhism, you can find those kinds of beings. In the Shurangama Sutra these are listed and the Master gives extensive commentary and examples on all these kinds of beings.

In the boundary of thinking, we have remembrance and forgetting. Finally, here is the list of ten states that Shakyamuni Buddha brings up.

1. Greed for clever skills.
2. Greed for adventure.
3. Greed for reunion.
4. Greed to analyze things.
5. Greed for spiritual responses.
6. Greed to know past lives.
7. Greed for peace and quiet.
8. Greed for spiritual powers.
9. Greed for deep emptiness.
10. Greed for immortality.
1. 貪求善巧;
2. 貪求經歷;
3. 貪求契合;
4. 貪求辨析;
5. 貪求冥感;
6. 貪求宿命;
7. 貪求靜謐;
8. 貪求神力;
9. 貪求深空;
10. 貪求永歲。

We have an example of these. There was one monastic disciple of Master Hua who was greedy for spiritual responses—from the list, numbers five, he was greedy for spiritual powers; number eight, he was greedy to go into emptiness; and number nine. He actually had one of these skandha demon states because of his greed. It took him a while to get past it. A demon comes in because we leave an opening, yet the experience might last a few minutes, a few days, a few weeks, or even years. It depends on how we handle it.

Participant: How can we break through one skandha at a time when we practice? How do we break through each one with time?

Dharma Master Chih: Well, that’s what we’re learning, and this is a very perfunctory talk about the fifty skandha states. In the final section of the Shurangama Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha informs us about breaking through the skandhas. Master Hua called this section “A Handbook for Meditators,” in which both the sutra text and the Master’s commentary provide valuable information and instruction. Perhaps this is your first introduction to the fifty skandha states, so you need to be patient. We’ll first learn how the breaking through of each skandha begins and ends. As to how this process happens, these ten examples don’t necessarily occur in sequence.

In Buddhism, you can have a sudden awakening and that sometimes involves a sudden jump from one level of practice to an entirely different higher level. But after the sudden awakening, the sages tell us we need to do gradual practice. With the skandha states, they’re listed in order but they might not necessarily be experienced in order. In other words, you might, in your meditation practice, experience one of the things that happens in the breakdown of the thinking skandhas, even though you may not have yet broken through the feeling skandha. Meditation takes patience, interest, and some discipline in order to encounter and triumph over these states. Thus, it’s best to take your time and read the book and listen to the lectures.

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