vbs 628
Emperor Wu asked, “However, some unvirtuous monastics, practitioners, and laity do not exhibit proper behavior; instead, they form cliques, idling away their time and stirring up trouble in the name of doing good.” With their ordination certificates, they go about seeking alms. For such people, what would you say?”
【白話】誌公和尚回答:化緣一事,真假有別—— 若是真正的修行人化緣,必是為了正當事由:興建寺院、塑造佛像; 修橋鋪路、利益大眾;供養三寶、舉辦法會;閉關修行、誦經念佛。這些善舉真實不虛,功德無量!
Master Zhi Gong answered, “For those mendicants, you need to discern who is genuine and who is fraudulent. When genuine ones are coming to seek alms, they have a proper underlying purpose and do not put on a pretentious front. Rather, they seek offerings for establishing a temple or monastery, making or gilding a Buddha image, building a road or a bridge, making offerings to the Buddhas, providing a meal for the Sangha, renovating or building a monastery, supporting sessions of Buddha-name recitation or sutra recitation, or supporting those who enter seclusion. All in all, anything that is beneficial for the public [temple, monastery, or sangha] and not done pretentiously will accrue limitless merit and virtue.
- 不顧父母恩情,混入佛門卻飲酒吃肉
- 固執邪見,不聽師長教誨
- 不讀經律,不懂因果報應
- 不守戒律,敗壞寺院清規
- 借化緣之名,強索錢財,中飽私囊
他們拿到布施後:或接濟俗家親友; 或結交酒肉朋友; 甚至縱情聲色,玷污佛門清譽。最終導致:信眾失去信心; 真正修行人受牽連;善事難行。
On the other hand, some practitioners are the opposite: They are lazy, and idle their time away aimlessly. Before leaving the home-life, they had unvirtuous habits and did not strive to behave in virtuous ways. They did not care about their parents or hometown folks, leaving them behind to enter the monastic order. After having left the home-life, they are still lazy and still maintain their habit of drinking alcohol and eating meat. They pass their days away muddled and clinging to their wrong views. They do not follow their teachers’ personalized instructions, refuse to be humble and seek the guidance of a wise mentor, and do not read sutras or study the precepts. They do not cultivate virtuous causes to reap good karmic effects; they do not fear the evil consequences of their actions. Although they are still in the Sangha, they do not revere the senior monastics or are courteous to junior monastics. They do not care about the tradition of the Buddha or the Patriarchs. All they care for is their own comfort and enjoyment.
Furthermore, they carry their ordination certificates as they go about seeking offerings, sometimes even pressuring others to make offerings in the name of doing good. They forget or do not care about the Law of Cause and Effect. Worldly people may not be able to discern true from false, and when unvirtuous monastics approach them to seek alms, the donors make offerings. When they return with the offerings, they do not take them seriously; instead, they casually pass these items on to their families or relatives. They might use these items to befriend some people or to become ‘sworn brothers’ or ‘sworn sisters.’ In these interactions with worldly people, their wrong views flare up, driving them to seek affection or emotional fulfillment. They thus conduct themselves wantonly. Heading down the wrong path, they ultimately tarnish the reputation of the Sangha, or the Three Jewels. All donors in the ten directions become discouraged and upset, giving rise to retrogressing minds. Thus, the tradition of the Buddha and the Patriarchs is ruined, and other innocent people become adversely affected, too, and they are no longer able to carry on doing good deeds.
For these unvirtuous monastics, the ancient virtuous ones said, ‘They are the sprouts of the hells, the throngs of animals flocking together, being no more than bald worldly people.’ They should quickly disrobe themselves and return to lay life, quickly depart through the mountain gate, and no longer stay with us in the same place.